This week, while our good friends, Steven and Pickle take a little time off, Elvis and I will be hosting the best cat meme on the Internet, "Steven's Feline Friday." Cats rule! So, each Friday has been reserved just for them by Steven. I always liked that idea...cats should definitely have their own day!
This is my entry for this week. I took it just this morning, while giving Elvis a good grooming. He wasn't feeling very good because of the warm day we are having. Like his mommy, Elvis doesn't take the summer months as well as the rest of the year. So, he and I do things together to make it a bit easier to take. Today, we might just go swimming or maybe better still, would be to play with the sprinkler in the yard. One of his favorite activities is to sit really close to it, and let the water sprinkle down on him. It's cooling, and then he doesn't have to fuss with putting on his water wings for the pool. The only thing he needs for the sprinkler fun is his shaded goggles. I sure do love this cat. :) If you it's true that both Elvis and I will live longer just by my petting him...then I kinda think we will live forever, because I can't help but pet him. He's my little boy.
I really enjoy Feline Friday, because it has lead me to some pretty neat kitties in the land. Here are some great links...
Midnight poses for Julie, as his friend Abby gets his attention.
Theresa's kitties Angel & Eclipse play a game of Chess, which is pretty cool, because I'm terrible at that game.
Boo-Boo Kitty and Peanut share a box of beer. LOL. The beer does not belong to Pat by the way!
Phinney's cat Jinx, stuck her tongue out at her! How rude! LOL. but very, very cute all the same. :)
And Julie's kitty, Brooklyn, shows us the proper way to groom.
All fantastic kitties, so be sure to click on the links to see them do their thing!
If you have a kitty, and want to play along with this week's edition of Feline Friday, all you have to do is leave your comments in the thread for THIS entry. I will gather all of them up, and send them to Steven, for next week's Feline Friday edition.
"Melting Elvis"
Berkeley, California
June 16, 2006
WOW! A cat that likes sprinklers! Way COOL!
I missed the last Feline Friday, but am back for more this week!
Hello, my dears. Jinx and I played this week. Elvis looks cool xo
Elvis is so adorable. Here's my entry for this week:
Elvis is in the house!... and outside playing hehehe... Hi Carly! I must not have returned here after Elvis went up sheesh.. you'd think I'd know these things ! Got it all straight now though! lol..
Elvis looks so happy in the photo :-)
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