We in the U.S. will be celebrating Thanksgiving this coming Thursday, so let's have a little fun with the holiday... shall we?
EMPS #13: Happy Turkey Day!
Even if you don't live in America, you can have fun with this photo assignment. Here's the general idea. Photograph anything TURKEY! TURKEY thawing in a pan, or roasting in the oven. You can use a stuffed TURKEY (as in stuffed animal) or a stuffed TURKEY ( as in dinner) as your subject. A paper TURKEY or plastic TURKEY used in a centerpiece would be interesting. TURKEY sandwiches, or TURKEY soup would do nicely, as would a TURKEY TV dinner. Live TURKEYS gathered in the wild, or at a petting zoo works, or if you can't seem to find a fowl TURKEY, but you know a real live human TURKEY, feel free to take their picture and post it. But don't forget to get their permission, if you don't they might think you are the TURKEY! I will even accept a photo of TURKISH coffee! If it refers to TURKEY it's perfect for the assignment! One thing... PLEASE remember, this is a family friendly photo assignment. No harming animals folks. Let's show our appreciation for the beautiful bird the TURKEY!
Extra Credit: If you do serve TURKEY for Thanksgiving, show us the WISHBONE!
You have until next Sunday, December 1st, at 9:00 PM Eastern time, to get the photo and post it to your blog, and then comeback here with the direct link. I cannot accept hyperlinks. It must be a direct link to the entry specific to this challenge. And don't forget to link back here so others can join in the fun!
Linking List for EMPS #12: Hot Beverages! 11/17/08
Jama says, "Tea for me, coffee for the hubby." :) Just like in my house!
Karen shows us some unusual hot chocolate, in some unusual mugs!
Liz shares soup and a poem!
Wammy likes to drink a big mug of peppermint tea, but sometimes "just to switch it up," enjoys some peppermint coffee as well!
Connie has a favorite hot cocoa recipe, which she shares with all of us!
Martha also enjoys hot cocoa, especially in a pretty mug!
I think we hot chocolate drinkers have the coffee drinkers beat this time around! :) VERY well done everyone! I will be looking forward to your turkey photos this coming week!
Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! See you in one week with an all new photo assignment!
I'm definitely playing! but no real turkey (animal) for me....be right back. :)
Turkish ice-cream for you Carly?
Safeway tour de turkey!
I have my turkey posted.
First time here; my turkey-ish post is up here:
Happy T'giving to all the US bloggers and blog readers!
A Promise Kept is posted at
'Happy Thanksgiving Day' to everyone across The Pond :) Liz
I decided to do a comedic shot with my hubby and doggie.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here's mine...
Once again, Happy Thanksgiving Carly! :-)
Here are Two Turkeys for you..non edible!
Far Side of Fifty Photos
Okay Carly, I played along this week. Go easy on me. :)
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving yourself.
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