Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Kitty Cat Easter Update

"Love puts the fun in together, the sad when apart, and the joy in the heart."


Just had to share. I was excited about putting that Easter Basket together for the boys! I took forever to find just the right stuff. A stuffed cow for Hendrix, some catnip stuffed plastic jelly beans for Dylan, and some assorted packaged cat treats. I also found some ducky bubbles, the boys just love bubbles, and I even tucked a little something in the basket for Alan. I got him a little pocket photo album. He likes having pics of the boys to to show off. We are fur-baby parents, and we love our kids!



Oooh... I almost forgot, the Easter Bunny gave me a nifty new windsock! Pictures to come soon!


1 comment:

Suzanne R said...

What cute pictures of Dylan and Hendrix with their Easter baskets! I wish I had thought to do the same thing but I didn't -- they have so many toys they don't play with anyway that I think they will survive. LOL! Yours are still adorable, though.